5136 Central Ave. Saint Petersburg, FL 33707
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Diagnostic Imaging Consultants
Scott Thorpe and Joe Trimboli are board-certified chiropractic radiologists based in Saint Petersburg, Florida offering expert film interpretations for physicians and the legal community. They represent over 40 years of experience, including significant involvement with personal injury cases and the general scope of radiology.
Our Mission
To provide fast, expert film interpretation and consultations to physicians, insurance companies, attorneys and other interested parties at reasonable and customary rates. We also give assistance with radiographic technique, quality assurance, and continuing education for physicians and other professionals in the field of diagnostic imaging.
40+ Years of Experience
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A chiropractic radiologist, also known as a DACBR, is a chiropractic physician who has undergone extensive training in radiology and other advanced imaging techniques through years of residency training and in some cases fellowship training. Chiropractic radiologists regularly interpret imaging and advise doctors, lawyers, and other facilities on the results of MRIs, CT scans, and other medical imaging.
Our staff consists of multiple board-certified chiropractic radiologists (also known as DACBR) certified by the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology. We perform diagnostic imaging consultations as primary reads and second opinions for exams performed in numerous medical imaging facilities, chiropractic/medical offices, and walk-in clinics across the USA. We take our customer service and attention to detail very seriously when providing patient care to the facilities and patients we work with. We have interpreted hundreds of thousands of MRI, CT and X-ray studies giving our physicians a unique perspective when reviewing medical images, as well as the experience you desire in a radiologist. Our office also provides medicolegal consultations at the request of attorneys and physicians. Look to us as your spine and musculoskeletal imaging specialists.